A Katekyo Hitman Reborn ficlog
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[Gen] - Hibird
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Timeline: Present

There are many people that I wish I could peck to death. Oh, no, Hibari ♥ wasn't the one who influenced me. If anyone bothers to remember at all, I was previously owned by that creepy perverted old man who only knows how to play dirty to win his fights. Him as those two psychos. I'm so gladI found Hibari ♥. I can fly wherever I want and do whatever I want to now! Go die and rot, stupid old man Bird!

I want to peck that Kusakabe guy to death. How dare he refused to let me use his hair as my permanent nest! And he calls himself Hibari ♥'s right hand man. Pfft. One day, I'm going to bite his fingers off when he's sleeping. Just you wait, Kusakabe.

I also want to bite that blond man's head off. You know, the blond man with stupid grins of his. He thinks he's great just because he helped Hibari ♥ train. Like Hibari ♥ needs anyone to help him. Here, have some flipped wings. It's kind of equivalent to that finger flips the bomber guy does all the time.

Speaking of the bomber guy. I want to bite him to death too! Always saying Hibari ♥ is bad and calling him all other bad things. It's not he's that good. Hibari ♥ can bite him to death anytime. He just chooses not to, but does the idiot bomber knows? Of course not. He's stupid that way.

That tall man who smiles a lot is okay, I guess. He doesn't try to mess with Hibari ♥, so I can't form an honest opinion about him yet. That Sawada Tsunayoshi guy (I know his name because Hibari ♥ always say his full name) is ok, but he's annoying. Always panicking. How pessimistic can one person be? I wish he would just shut the fuck up and be more of a man.

There's this small guy Hibari ♥ calls タヨ、?キ. He's really small, but he's kind of scary. I don't know why Hibari ♥ respects him, but if Hibari ♥ thinks he should be respected, then I won't complain. I do want to peck the hell out of that weird green chameleon, though. I can't stand his big eyes and his ever present grin. Hmph.

Oh, what time is it? Is it lunch time yet? Better go back to Hibari ♥ now!

Mi~dori tanabiku namimori no~ ♫

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This is an archive of random Katekyo Hitman Reborn! drabbles by me. Sometimes, I just need to get ideas out my head, and this is the place for me to do so.

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