A Katekyo Hitman Reborn ficlog
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Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Timeline: Future!fic. Pre-TYL Arc (canon timeline)

Gokudera never forgot how Tsuna changed his life. It was not an exaggeration at all when Gokudera claimed the latter to be 'the saviour of his life'. The statement was true in more ways than one; the only one who would think of it as pure exaggeration was probably the saviour himself. Years later when they were all wiser and older, it came as no surprise that Tsuna remained as number one on Gokudera's top priority list. Even after falling in love and getting together with Yamamoto, Gokudera's devotion for Tsuna was unchanged.

Yamamoto never forgot how Tsuna changed his life. The only regret he ever had was probably the fact that he didn't try to become Tsuna's close friend before his suicide attempt. Maybe then, his life would have been more colourful. He fought for Tsuna, protect him as best as he could and even kill for Tsuna if it meant he could keep Tsuna's hand as clean as possible. That was how highly he placed Tsuna on his priority list - number one. Even though Gokudera was his lover, he never placed him first before Tsuna.

If their lover and Tsuna were in danger, and if they could only save one, the one they would save would be Tsuna. Their romantic love for each other would never compare to their ultimate devotion.


p.s/ Agh! Crappy grammar there, but it's 3.20am in the morning here ;_;
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photo by 7s

This is an archive of random Katekyo Hitman Reborn! drabbles by me. Sometimes, I just need to get ideas out my head, and this is the place for me to do so.

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